
Political prisoners begin hunger strike in Myanmar’s Sagaing region

Demands include the return of books, blankets, dishes and clothes.

With nearly 200 destroyed, religious buildings targeted by Myanmar’s junta

Churches in Chin state accounted for almost half of those demolished.

Myanmar’s United Wa State Army deports alleged Chinese scammers

It said they were rounded up in an operation launched with Chinese authorities.

Junta troops kill 7 defense force members in Sagaing region raid

In the same region, 7,000 residents fled their homes as a military column marched through.

Junta airstrike damages school in Myanmar’s Sagaing region

The helicopter attack is one of a growing number targeting educational facilities.

2 years on, Myanmar’s resistance is formidable foe of junta: head of shadow govt

Anti-junta forces are no longer a handful of rag-tag units brandishing homemade weapons.

Yangon artist paints with his feet